
Ultimate ninja storm revolution story
Ultimate ninja storm revolution story

Occasionally a four-player battle occurs, but the mechanics here change. Most of the battles here are mano-a-mano, with your typical health bar showing the status of the combatants.

ultimate ninja storm revolution story

Fighting through to determine the best fighter, you’ll find most of the content here. The main portion of Revolution is the Ninja World Tournament. These shouldn’t take much longer than an hour so if you were hoping to relive some favorite Naruto moments, you’ll likely walk away disappointed. The Ninja Escapades contain two stories broken up by battles, with a five minute giving background on one character. While previous entries have had a good deal of story to use, they story here is comparatively thin.

ultimate ninja storm revolution story

Now with those two consoles near their end of their lifespan, we might have the last Naruto game for that console, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution.ĬyberConnect2 has had a wealth of material to work with, including hundreds of chapters in its manga and two different anime series. The Ultimate Ninja Storm series has had several iterations on the PS3 and Xbox 360, starting early in the life of the consoles. For a long time it seemed like Dragon Ball Z would be the anime series with the highest number of console fighting games, but it seems like Naruto is hot on its heels, if it hasn’t caught up already.

Ultimate ninja storm revolution story