You will notice your transporting fleet stop, then move for 2-4 seconds (this is the ship teleporting from your current sector).
To overcome this, once you have clicked go, select another fleet that is at sea.
Screen randomly reloads with spinning kixeye page and freezes requiring you to reload the whole game putting your fleets at risk.
You cannot use relay towers to jump across hundreds.
To travel more than 5 sectors away, simply daisy chain the relays to travel anywhere in the hunred-range you are in (i.e.
You can either select one of the 4 other towers in your current sector or travel up to 5 sectors in either direction (up or down) by clicking the arrows on either side of the pop-up window.
Clicking a tower and selecting go will allow your to instantly relocate your fleets to the required sector.
Then you have the option to move to the area or click "Go" on the tower.
Selecting this option will centre your map to the closest tower to that fleet.
By clicking on your fleet that is stationary, you get an option to "Find Relay Tower".
This only helps if you know their destination sector.
To understand where a player has headed, the direction they park at a tower determines their headed tower.
Each beacon allows your ship to travel up to 5 sectors instantly.
With 5 towers per sector (North, East, South, West and Center) there are towers that are beacons for travelling quickly to other sectors.
Greetings Captains, Players will now be able to sail faster and more efficiently across the open seas using the Forsaken Navigation Relay Network.